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Wednesday, September 10, 2014

SDH Presents Youth Basketball Drills for Kids: Dribbling and Ball Handling Moves

If you want to get crazy handles, then this is a great drill to do - whether you're a beginner or a ball handling pro. This drill will work on your ability to dribble the basketball at multiple heights and with different hand positions so you become more comfortable with the ball in all types of game situations, which is crucial, especially for point guards. This is one of those great "basketball drills for kids" that is also really beneficial to even the most advanced ball handlers, because it's really up to you to challenge yourself with your dribble speed and dribble height. This allows you to have much crisper dribbling and basketball moves on the court. Give this quick set of "youth basketball drills" a try and let us know how much you've improved in the comments below!

Catch more great helpful videos to help perfect your game and watch them being done in practice right here on +Slap Dog HoopsAlso, please be kind enough to share this post by simply clicking the Facebook, Twitter, G+, and Pinterest buttons below.  It would be greatly appreciated; Thanks!   

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